Target list

Search results for query: PLoS NTD Query 3 (L. major, w/ essentiality)

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  • Score for genes in query #99 (Mtb PDB (now searched on lma)): 50
  • Score for genes in query #101 (Mtb not in humans (now searched on lma)): 25
  • Score for genes in query #96 (Mtb Pubmed (now searched on lma)): 35
  • Score for genes in query #106 (Mtb assayable (now searched on lma)): 35
  • Score for genes in query #100 (Mtb modbase (now searched on lma)): 30
  • Score for genes in query #97 (Mtb mwt <100kDa (now searched on lma)): 20
  • Score for genes in query #104 (Mtb dindex >=0.6 (now searched on lma)): 35
  • Score for genes in query #95 (Mtb enz (EC + func. Categ.) (now searched on lma)): 100
  • Score for genes in query #110 (Lma in Tbr and Tcr): 25
  • Score for genes in query #107 (Mtb all proteins (now searched on lma)): 1
  • Score for genes in query #98 (Mtb no TM domain (now searched on lma)): 20
  • Score for genes in query #103 (Mtb any essentiality evidence (now searched on lma)): 50
  • Score for genes in query #102 (Mtb any genetic validation (now searched on lma)): 50
  • Score for genes in query #105 (Mtb Compd desirability >0.3 (now searched on lma)): 35

Convert this list of targets into a list of drugs:

Compounds have been manually associated with targets based on literature curation (Curated), and transitively associated with known druggable homologs or direct orthologs (predicted). Network derived target prioritizations also allows to convert any gene list into a drug list by making use of gene-drug indirect relationships within the repurposing network. All associations are done with true positives (known druggable targets), but predicted interactions are by no means tested or experimentally validated.


8243 records found | Showing page 325 of 330 (records 8101-8125) | Number of records to display | Find orthologs in

  Organism   Name     Ortholog group   Product Weight
L. major   LmjF.14.0590   OG5_183348   hypothetical protein, conserved 46
L. major   LmjF.34.1900   OG5_130729   amastin-like surface protein, putative 46
L. major   LmjF.33.1890   OG5_184038   hypothetical protein, conserved 46
L. major   LmjF.16.1640   OG5_183416   hypothetical protein, unknown function 46
L. major   LmjF.35.2250   OG5_184091   hypothetical protein, conserved 46
L. major   LmjF.34.1800   OG5_130729   amastin-like surface protein, putative 46
L. major   LmjF.24.0880   OG5_173486   hypothetical predicted transmembrane protein 46
L. major   LmjF.28.1640   OG5_173499   hypothetical protein, conserved 46
L. major   LmjF.34.1580   OG5_130729   amastin-like surface protein, putative 46
L. major   LmjF.17.0740   OG5_143079   hypothetical protein, conserved 46
L. major   LmjF.35.2580   OG5_166772   hypothetical protein, conserved 46
L. major   LmjF.27.1930   OG5_183745   hypothetical protein, unknown function 46
L. major   LmjF.08.0340   OG5_173451   hypothetical protein, conserved 46
L. major   LmjF.21.1130   OG5_183576   hypothetical protein, conserved 46
L. major   LmjF.35.2610   OG5_172652   hypothetical protein, unknown function 46
L. major   LmjF.31.0660   OG5_183879   hypothetical protein, conserved 46
L. major   LmjF.33.2900   OG5_204248   hypothetical protein, unknown function 46
L. major   LmjF.23.0290   OG5_150800   hypothetical protein, conserved 46
L. major   LmjF.32.0250   OG5_173518   hypothetical protein, conserved 46
L. major   LmjF.30.2010   OG5_204231   hypothetical protein, unknown function 46
L. major   LmjF.06.0670   OG5_173447   hypothetical protein, conserved 46
L. major   LmjF.30.1080   OG5_204229   hypothetical protein, unknown function 46
L. major   LmjF.14.0330   OG5_174824   hypothetical protein, unknown function 46
L. major   LmjF.30.0808   OG5_166750   hypothetical protein, conserved 46
L. major   LmjF.10.0220   OG5_183270   hypothetical protein, unknown function 46