Detailed view for EgrG_001085800

Basic information

TDR Targets ID: 589136
Echinococcus granulosus, mannose 1 phosphate guanyltransferase

Source Database / ID:  GeneDB

pI: 7.3519 | Length (AA): 484 | MW (Da): 53498 | Paralog Number: 0

Signal peptide: N | GPI Anchor: N | Predicted trans-membrane segments: 0

Druggability Group : DG2

Targets have been classified into druggability groups (DG) according to their druggability score in network driven prioritizations. DGs range from 1 to 5; the higher the group number, the higher the chance of the target to be druggable

Pfam domains

PF00132   Bacterial transferase hexapeptide (six repeats)
PF00483   Nucleotidyl transferase

Gene Ontology

Mouse over links to read term descriptions.
GO:0016779   nucleotidyltransferase activity  
GO:0009058   biosynthetic process  

Structural information

Modbase 3D models:

There are 5 models calculated for this protein. More info on these models, including the models themselves is available at: Modbase

Target Beg Target End Template Template Beg Template End Identity Evalue Model Score MPQS zDope
7 452 2ggo (A) 1 397 18.00 0 1 1.04049 0.34
9 463 4g3q (A) 9 457 15.00 0 0.84 1.06808 0.39
321 381 3pmo (A) 103 153 49.00 0.01 1 0.530733 -0.1
321 385 4ea9 (A) 97 175 37.00 0.17 0.99 0.404998 -0.17
322 436 4m98 (A) 290 398 28.00 0.062 0.27 0.546603 -0.59

Help me make sense of these data.

Target Beg: first modeled residue
Target End: last modeled residue
Template: template structure used for modelling (PDB accession and chain)
Template Beg: first template residue in target-template alignment
Template End: last template residue in target-template alignment
Identity: sequence identity
Evalue: E value for target-template hit
Model Score: GA341 score (>0.7 for reliable model)
MPQS: ModPipe Quality Score (>1.1 for reliable model)
zDope: zDope Score (negative for reliable model)

A more detailed description of these scores is available at the Modbase Model Evaluation Help Pages, and in the papers referenced therein.

PDB Structures:

No structure availble in the PDB for this protein


No expression data available for this gene


Ortholog group members (OG5_129964)

Species Accession Gene Product
Arabidopsis thaliana AT1G74910   ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase family protein
Arabidopsis thaliana AT2G04650   ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase-like protein
Brugia malayi Bm1_14810   hypothetical protein
Candida albicans CaO19.4943   possible mannose-1-phosphate guanyltransferase
Candida albicans CaO19.12409   possible mannose-1-phosphate guanyltransferase
Caenorhabditis elegans CELE_Y47D9A.1   Protein Y47D9A.1, isoform B
Dictyostelium discoideum DDB_G0271858   GTP:alpha-D-mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase
Drosophila melanogaster Dmel_CG8207   CG8207 gene product from transcript CG8207-RA
Echinococcus granulosus EgrG_001085800   mannose 1 phosphate guanyltransferase
Echinococcus multilocularis EmuJ_001085800   mannose 1 phosphate guanyltransferase
Homo sapiens ENSG00000144591   GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase A
Loa Loa (eye worm) LOAG_08356   nucleotidyl transferase
Mus musculus ENSMUSG00000033021   GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase A
Oryza sativa 4332014   Os03g0208900
Schistosoma japonicum Sjp_0020950   ko:K00971 mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase [EC2.7.7.22], putative
Schistosoma mansoni Smp_048240   mannose-1-phosphate guanyltransferase
Schmidtea mediterranea mk4.000472.00  


No essentiality data collected for this gene and/or its orthologs.

Phenotypes and Validation (curated)

We have no manually annotated phenotypes for this target. What does this mean? / Care to help?

In TDR Targets, information about phenotypes that are caused by drugs, or by genetic manipulation of cells (e.g. gene knockouts or knockdowns) is manually curated from the literature. These descriptions help to describe the potential of the target for drug development. If no information is available for this gene or if the information is incomplete, this may mean that i) the papers containing this information either appeared after the curation effort for this organism was carried out or they were inadvertently missed by curators; or that ii) the curation effort for this organism has not yet started.

In any case, if you have information about papers containing relevant validation data for this target, please contact us.

Annotated validation

No validation data for this target

Associated compounds / Druggability

Known modulators for this target

No chemical compounds associated to this gene

Predicted associations

By orthology with druggable targets
Non orthologous druggable targets
By sequence similarity to non orthologous druggable targets
No additional associated druggable targets

Obtained from network model
No druggable targets predicted through repurposing network model


Assay information

No assay information for this target.

Reagent availability

No reagent availability information for this target.

Bibliographic References

No literature references available for this target.

If you have references for this gene, please enter them in a user comment (below) or Contact us.

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Gene identifier EgrG_001085800 (Echinococcus granulosus), mannose 1 phosphate guanyltransferase
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