Detailed view for TVAG_247080

Basic information

TDR Targets ID: 930641
Trichomonas vaginalis, adenylate cyclase, putative

Source Database / ID: 

pI: 6.1597 | Length (AA): 1548 | MW (Da): 173456 | Paralog Number: 179

Signal peptide: N | GPI Anchor: N | Predicted trans-membrane segments: 15

Druggability Group : DG2

Targets have been classified into druggability groups (DG) according to their druggability score in network driven prioritizations. DGs range from 1 to 5; the higher the group number, the higher the chance of the target to be druggable

Pfam domains

PF00211   Adenylate and Guanylate cyclase catalytic domain

Gene Ontology

Mouse over links to read term descriptions.
GO:0035556   GO:intracellular signal transduction  

GO:0016849   phosphorus-oxygen lyase activity  
GO:0009190   cyclic nucleotide biosynthetic process  

Metabolic Pathways

This gene is not mapped to any metabolic pathway in KEGG.

Structural information

Modbase 3D models:

No model available for this protein in Modbase.

PDB Structures:

No structure availble in the PDB for this protein


No expression data available for this gene


Ortholog group members (OG5_126770)

Species Accession Gene Product
Brugia malayi Bm1_15000   Adenylate and Guanylate cyclase catalytic domain containing protein
Dictyostelium discoideum DDB_G0274569   adenylate cyclase
Loa Loa (eye worm) LOAG_13680   hypothetical protein
Loa Loa (eye worm) LOAG_03815   hypothetical protein
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv1625c   Membrane-anchored adenylyl cyclase Cya (ATP pyrophosphate-lyase) (adenylate cyclase)
Mycobacterium ulcerans MUL_2284   hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_327930   adenylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_298220   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_021840   adenylate cyclase, type VII, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_162120   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_298410   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_273280   adenylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_451980   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_124800   adenylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_358630   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_391080   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_116480   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_298390   soluble guanylate cyclase gcy, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_322510   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_052910   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_411720   adenylate cyclase type VI, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_024960   adenylate cyclase type IX, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_124790   adenylate and guanylate cyclases, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_219760   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_411240   adenylate cyclase, type VII, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_360130   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_336830   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_162110   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_155240   adenylate cyclase type IX, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_431840   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_291050   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_127600   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_383510   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_102500   adenylate and guanylate cyclases, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_270460   adenylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_101980   soluble guanylate cyclase gcy, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_360120   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_363510   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_406770   adenylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_360140   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_098530   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_357240   guanylate cyclase beta 2 subunit, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_098520   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_228010   adenylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_353640   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_036810   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_604010   guanylate cyclase beta 2 subunit, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_017920   adenylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_038510   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_344240   adenylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_353630   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_360150   soluble guanylate cyclase gcy, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_451970   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_399750   adenylate cyclase type VI, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_383490   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_213300   adenylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_373640   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_420130   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_194370   adenylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_281080   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_459500   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_373670   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_365230   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_411250   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_489980   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_052920   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_219670   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_247080   adenylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_373630   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_298210   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_415250   adenylate cyclase type IX, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_219680   guanylate cyclase beta 1 subunit, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_082230   retinal guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_095290   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_255630   adenylate cyclase type III, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_453250   adenylate and guanylate cyclases, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_062940   atrial natriuretic peptide receptor, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_119490   adenylate and guanylate cyclases, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_087300   adenylate and guanylate cyclases, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_072540   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_406780   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_116470   intestinal guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_057590   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_431830   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_158250   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_151410   adenylyl cyclase type V, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_017910   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_008510   adenylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_336810   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_406790   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_287980   adenylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_TEG_DS113747_3_1   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_008520   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_228390   adenylate and guanylate cyclases, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_138040   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_391070   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_451130   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_218150   adenylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_194440   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_147310   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_057580   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_303820   atrial natriuretic peptide receptor, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_255620   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_021130   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_318180   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_284780   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_145640   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_505880   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_025690   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_158530   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_034630   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_136140   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_457380   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_459490   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_124920   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_299950   adenylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_235080   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_456550   adenylate and guanylate cyclases, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_101890   adenylate cyclase type IX, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_145650   adenylate cyclase type III, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_051550   adenylate and guanylate cyclases, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_446260   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_457220   adenylate cyclase type, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_344250   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_128850   adenylate and guanylate cyclases, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_490080   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_186390   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_072530   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_168430   adenylate and guanylate cyclases, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_138030   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_425200   adenylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_052960   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_124910   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_158550   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_303810   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_167510   adenylate and guanylate cyclases, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_273290   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_353620   retinal guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_392570   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_052940   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_358620   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_350120   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_489970   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_350270   adenylate and guanylate cyclases, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_425640   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_127610   adenylate cyclase type, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_052950   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_095300   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_373660   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_365240   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_147320   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_467090   adenylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_082220   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_162100   soluble guanylate cyclase gcy, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_021120   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_052930   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_298400   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_406800   adenylate and guanylate cyclases, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_357550   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_391060   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_101990   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_318170   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_383500   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_138020   soluble guanylate cyclase gcy, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_318160   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_336820   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_013980   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_284770   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_124900   adenylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_092700   adenylyl cyclase type V, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_158540   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_436960   adenylate cyclase type, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_431850   adenylate and guanylate cyclases, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_373650   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_315830   adenylate and guanylate cyclases, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_581670   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_564290   adenylate cyclase type III, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_145630   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_298230   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_052900   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_307730   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_290500   guanylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_098510   soluble guanylate cyclase gcy, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_302910   adenylate cyclase, putative
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_415270   conserved hypothetical protein
Trichomonas vaginalis TVAG_406810   conserved hypothetical protein


No essentiality data collected for this gene and/or its orthologs.

Phenotypes and Validation (curated)

We have no manually annotated phenotypes for this target. What does this mean? / Care to help?

In TDR Targets, information about phenotypes that are caused by drugs, or by genetic manipulation of cells (e.g. gene knockouts or knockdowns) is manually curated from the literature. These descriptions help to describe the potential of the target for drug development. If no information is available for this gene or if the information is incomplete, this may mean that i) the papers containing this information either appeared after the curation effort for this organism was carried out or they were inadvertently missed by curators; or that ii) the curation effort for this organism has not yet started.

In any case, if you have information about papers containing relevant validation data for this target, please contact us.

Annotated validation

No validation data for this target

Associated compounds / Druggability

Known modulators for this target

No chemical compounds associated to this gene

Predicted associations

By orthology with druggable targets
Non orthologous druggable targets
By sequence similarity to non orthologous druggable targets
No additional associated druggable targets

Obtained from network model
No druggable targets predicted through repurposing network model


Assay information

No assay information for this target.

Reagent availability

No reagent availability information for this target.

Bibliographic References

No literature references available for this target.

If you have references for this gene, please enter them in a user comment (below) or Contact us.

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Gene identifier TVAG_247080 (Trichomonas vaginalis), adenylate cyclase, putative
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