Target list

Search results for query: Union of (#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #9)

  • Score for genes in query #4 (essential somewhere): 30
  • Score for genes in query #6 (literature): 30
  • Score for genes in query #1 (plasmodium peptidase): 100
  • Score for genes in query #9 (plasmodium protease): 100
  • Score for genes in query #5 (druggability >0.3): 50
  • Score for genes in query #3 (not in mammals): 50
  • Score for genes in query #2 (has structure): 50

Convert this list of targets into a list of drugs:

Compounds have been manually associated with targets based on literature curation (Curated), and transitively associated with known druggable homologs or direct orthologs (predicted). Network derived target prioritizations also allows to convert any gene list into a drug list by making use of gene-drug indirect relationships within the repurposing network. All associations are done with true positives (known druggable targets), but predicted interactions are by no means tested or experimentally validated.


4737 records found | Showing page 166 of 190 (records 4126-4150) | Number of records to display | Find orthologs in

  Organism   Name     Ortholog group   Product Weight
P. falciparum   PF3D7_1035300     No group glutamate-rich protein 50
P. falciparum   PF3D7_1037700   OG5_130977   enhancer of rudimentary homolog, putative 50
P. falciparum   PF3D7_1038000   OG5_141758   antigen UB05 50
P. falciparum   PF3D7_1038500     No group Plasmodium exported protein, unknown function 50
P. falciparum   PF3D7_1038600     No group Plasmodium exported protein, unknown function 50
P. falciparum   PF3D7_1039700   OG5_143975   Pfmc-2TM Maurer's cleft two transmembrane protein 50
P. falciparum   PF3D7_0222200   OG5_151956   exported protein family 3 50
P. falciparum   PF3D7_1040800   OG5_126825   rifin 50
P. falciparum   PF3D7_1007100   OG5_143965   conserved Plasmodium protein, unknown function 50
P. falciparum   PF3D7_1026900   OG5_126858   biotin--acetyl-CoA-carboxylase, putative 50
P. falciparum   PF3D7_1037900   OG5_167061   conserved Plasmodium protein, unknown function 50
P. falciparum   PF3D7_1100500   OG5_126825   rifin 50
P. falciparum   PF3D7_0324200   OG5_151956   exported protein family 3 50
P. falciparum   PF3D7_0631300   OG5_140864   exported protein family 1 50
P. falciparum   PF3D7_1102800   OG5_184624   early transcribed membrane protein 11.2 50
P. falciparum   PF3D7_1103900   OG5_184643   conserved Plasmodium protein, unknown function 50
P. falciparum   PF3D7_1104600   OG5_129136   radial spoke head protein, putative 50
P. falciparum   PF3D7_1105100   OG5_126572   histone H2B 50
P. falciparum   PF3D7_1105900   OG5_184642   conserved Plasmodium membrane protein, unknown function 50
P. falciparum   PF3D7_1106400   OG5_173851   conserved Plasmodium protein, unknown function 50
P. falciparum   PF3D7_1106700   OG5_160923   DNA replication ATP-dependent helicase/nuclease DNA2, putative 50
P. falciparum   PF3D7_1106900   OG5_167208   conserved Plasmodium protein, unknown function 50
P. falciparum   PF3D7_1107200   OG5_147009   conserved Plasmodium protein, unknown function 50
P. falciparum   PF3D7_1108200   OG5_127541   D-tyrosyl-tRNA(Tyr) deacylase 50
P. falciparum   PF3D7_1108700   OG5_135569   heat shock protein DnaJ homologue Pfj2 50