Target list

Search results for query: Lma Molecular weight <100kDa

  • Species: lma
  • Molecular weight: < 100000

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Compounds have been manually associated with targets based on literature curation (Curated), and transitively associated with known druggable homologs or direct orthologs (predicted). Network derived target prioritizations also allows to convert any gene list into a drug list by making use of gene-drug indirect relationships within the repurposing network. All associations are done with true positives (known druggable targets), but predicted interactions are by no means tested or experimentally validated.


6801 records found | Showing page 272 of 273 (records 6776-6800) | Number of records to display | Find orthologs in

  Organism   Name     Ortholog group   Product
L. major   LmjF.36.6780   OG5_151899   nuclear lim interactor-interacting factor, putative
L. major   LmjF.36.6790   OG5_151900   ATPase, putative
L. major   LmjF.36.6800   OG5_130013   hypothetical protein, conserved,CG1104 protein-like protein
L. major   LmjF.36.6810   OG5_150639   hypothetical protein, conserved
L. major   LmjF.36.6820   OG5_151901   hypothetical protein, conserved
L. major   LmjF.36.6830   OG5_182646   amino acid permease aap11ld-like protein
L. major   LmjF.36.6840   OG5_130655   hypothetical protein, conserved
L. major   LmjF.36.6844   OG5_184192   hypothetical protein
L. major   LmjF.36.6850   OG5_151902   hypothetical protein, conserved
L. major   LmjF.36.6860   OG5_151903   hypothetical protein, conserved,calphotin-like protein
L. major   LmjF.36.6870   OG5_130215   hypothetical protein, conserved
L. major   LmjF.36.6880   OG5_147005   DNA-binding protein, putative,predicted bromodomain protein
L. major   LmjF.36.6900   OG5_145779   hypothetical protein, conserved
L. major   LmjF.36.6910   OG5_127923   T-complex protein 1, theta subunit, putative,chaperonin, putative
L. major   LmjF.36.6920   OG5_150572   hypothetical protein, conserved
L. major   LmjF.36.6930   OG5_147498   RNA editing comple protein MP63
L. major   LmjF.36.6935   OG5_149146   hypothetical protein, conserved
L. major   LmjF.36.6940   OG5_126843   protein disulfide isomerase
L. major   LmjF.36.6950   OG5_149377   delta-6 fatty acid desaturase
L. major   LmjF.36.6960   OG5_148037   hypothetical protein, conserved,elks delta-like protein
L. major   LmjF.36.6970   OG5_149147   hypothetical protein, conserved
L. major   LmjF.36.6980   OG5_127970   eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit 8, putative
L. major   LmjF.36.6985   OG5_149148   U1A small nuclear ribonucleoprotein, putative
L. major   LmjF.36.6990   OG5_140862   acetyltransferase, putative
L. major   LmjF.36.6995   OG5_149149   cytochrome c oxidase subunit I