Target list

Search results for query: Bma druggable precedence by similarity to starlite targets

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Compounds have been manually associated with targets based on literature curation (Curated), and transitively associated with known druggable homologs or direct orthologs (predicted). Network derived target prioritizations also allows to convert any gene list into a drug list by making use of gene-drug indirect relationships within the repurposing network. All associations are done with true positives (known druggable targets), but predicted interactions are by no means tested or experimentally validated.


790 records found | Showing page 10 of 32 (records 226-250) | Number of records to display | Find orthologs in

  Organism   Name     Ortholog group   Product
B. malayi   Bm1_44425   OG5_126817   Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal domain containing protein
B. malayi   Bm1_51510   OG5_127278   translation initiation factor 4E
B. malayi   Bm1_32150   OG5_135311   photoreceptor-specific nuclear receptor
B. malayi   Bm1_32605   OG5_128099   RAS-like GTP-binding protein RhoA
B. malayi   Bm1_01485   OG5_126660   Dynamin
B. malayi   Bm1_33930   OG5_138481   glutathione transferase
B. malayi   Bm1_29990   OG5_192387   Protein kinase domain containing protein
B. malayi   Bm1_08535   OG5_127036   phenylalanyl (f) trna synthetase protein 1
B. malayi   Bm1_48000   OG5_186877   Ras family protein
B. malayi   Bm1_19115   OG5_128071   Dual specificity protein phosphatase CDC14B
B. malayi   Bm1_51235     No group Protein kinase domain containing protein
B. malayi   Bm1_07690   OG5_127710   mitochondrial 2-oxoglutarate/malate carrier protein, putative
B. malayi   Bm1_15220   OG5_127524   pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component beta subunit, mitochondrial
B. malayi   Bm1_03125   OG5_189027   Animal haem peroxidase family protein
B. malayi   Bm1_28480   OG5_126923   translation elongation factor aEF-2
B. malayi   Bm1_18665   OG5_128523   Receptor family ligand binding region containing protein
B. malayi   Bm1_34740   OG5_187723   aspartic protease BmAsp-1, identical
B. malayi   Bm1_39900   OG5_131257   Sex muscle abnormal protein 5
B. malayi   Bm1_56235   OG5_126971   Ras-related protein Rab-11B
B. malayi   Bm1_36790   OG5_140104   Tyrosine-protein kinase PR2
B. malayi   Bm1_31150   OG5_152424   neuropeptide F receptor
B. malayi   Bm1_44400   OG5_126977   Major Facilitator Superfamily protein
B. malayi   Bm1_54155   OG5_126745   Probable dimethyladenosine transferase
B. malayi   Bm1_37575   OG5_192547   Protein kinase domain containing protein
B. malayi   Bm1_45035   OG5_129294   Probable myosin regulatory light chain