Target list

Search results for query: amastigote expression >= 2 spectra / 2 peptides

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Compounds have been manually associated with targets based on literature curation (Curated), and transitively associated with known druggable homologs or direct orthologs (predicted). Network derived target prioritizations also allows to convert any gene list into a drug list by making use of gene-drug indirect relationships within the repurposing network. All associations are done with true positives (known druggable targets), but predicted interactions are by no means tested or experimentally validated.


537 records found | Showing page 16 of 22 (records 376-400) | Number of records to display | Find orthologs in

  Organism   Name     Ortholog group   Product
T. cruzi   TcCLB.509683.117   OG5_126890   40S ribosomal protein S4, putative
T. cruzi   TcCLB.507089.270   OG5_126968   dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase, putative
T. cruzi   TcCLB.509631.140   OG5_126585   Flagellar attachment zone protein 1, putative
T. cruzi   TcCLB.506391.20   OG5_126800   calmodulin, putative
T. cruzi   TcCLB.506583.30   OG5_127163   ubiquitin-like protein, putative
T. cruzi   TcCLB.506725.20   OG5_183999   hypothetical protein, conserved
T. cruzi   TcCLB.511635.10   OG5_126572   histone H2B, putative
T. cruzi   TcCLB.505999.90   OG5_126776   phosphoglycerate kinase, putative
T. cruzi   TcCLB.506201.39   OG5_127390   25 kDa translation elongation factor 1-beta, putative
T. cruzi   TcCLB.510149.80   OG5_126568   ABC transporter, putative
T. cruzi   TcCLB.509733.170   OG5_126926   Valosin-containing protein, putative
T. cruzi   TcCLB.510323.30   OG5_127128   60S ribosomal protein L13, putative
T. cruzi   TcCLB.504163.30   OG5_126983   40S ribosomal protein S9, putative
T. cruzi   TcCLB.510215.10   OG5_128620   NADH-dependent fumarate reductase, putative
T. cruzi   TcCLB.507889.10   OG5_127238   transaldolase, putative
T. cruzi   TcCLB.511043.30   OG5_126773   DnaJ chaperone protein, putative
T. cruzi   TcCLB.511815.170   OG5_139856   cytoskeleton associated protein, putative
T. cruzi   TcCLB.511295.50   OG5_162243   hypothetical protein, conserved
T. cruzi   TcCLB.511289.30   OG5_128136   metallo-peptidase, Clan MG, Family M24
T. cruzi   TcCLB.434931.10   OG5_130385   paraxonemal rod protein PAR2, putative
T. cruzi   TcCLB.510717.30   OG5_126779   2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase E1 component, putative
T. cruzi   TcCLB.507713.30   OG5_126623   heat shock protein 85, putative
T. cruzi   TcCLB.507929.20   OG5_126978   co-chaperone GrpE, putative
T. cruzi   TcCLB.511727.129   OG5_127130   ribosomal protein L18, putative
T. cruzi   TcCLB.510571.30   OG5_126595   actin 1, putative