Detailed information for compound 1759723

Basic information

Technical information
  • Name: Unnamed compound
  • MW: 4843.76 | Formula: C149H173N50O85P13S13
  • H donors: 33 H acceptors: 41 LogP: -18.27 Rotable bonds: 80
    Rule of 5 violations (Lipinski): 4
  • SMILES: OP(=S)(O[C@H]1[C@H]2OC[C@]1(COP(=S)(O[C@H]1[C@H]3OC[C@]1(COP(=S)(O[C@H]1[C@H]4OC[C@]1(COP(=S)(O[C@H]1[C@H]5OC[C@]1(COP(=S)(O[C@H]1[C@H]6OC[C@]1(COP(=S)(O[C@H]1[C@H]7OC[C@]1(COP(=S)(O[C@H]1[C@H]8OC[C@]1(COP(=S)(O[C@H]1[C@H]9OC[C@]1(COP(=S)(O[C@H]1[C@H]%10OC[C@]1(COP(=S)(O[C@H]1[C@H]%11OC[C@@]1(O[C@H]%11n1ccc(=O)[nH]c1=O)[C@@H](O)C)O)O[C@H]%10n1ccc(nc1=O)N)O)O[C@H]9n1cnc9c1ncnc9N)O)O[C@H]8n1cc(C)c(=O)[nH]c1=O)O)O[C@H]7n1cnc7c1c(=O)[nH]c(n7)N)O)O[C@H]6n1cnc6c1c(=O)[nH]c(n6)N)O)O[C@H]5N1CCC(=NC1=O)N)O)O[C@H]4n1cc(C)c(=O)[nH]c1=O)O)O[C@H]3n1cnc3c1c(=O)[nH]c(n3)N)O)O[C@H]2n1ccc(nc1=O)N)OC[C@@]12CO[C@H]([C@@H]2OP(=S)(OC[C@@]23CO[C@H]([C@@H]3OP(=S)(OC[C@@]34CO[C@H]([C@@H]4OP(=S)(OC[C@@]45CO[C@H]([C@@H]5O)[C@@H](O4)n4ccc(=O)[nH]c4=O)O)[C@@H](O3)n3ccc(nc3=O)N)O)[C@@H](O2)n2cnc3c2c(=O)[nH]c(n3)N)O)[C@@H](O1)n1cnc2c1ncnc2N
  • InChi: 1S/C149H173N50O85P13S13/c1-53-16-192(134(216)184-104(53)204)116-73-87(276-289(222,302)251-38-143-25-238-75(118(265-143)194-49-166-98-64(194)106(206)180-124(156)176-98)89(143)278-292(225,305)248-34-139-21-234-71(113(261-139)188-12-6-58(152)172-130(188)212)85(139)274-287(220,300)255-43-148-30-243-80(123(270-148)199-48-165-63-97(155)161-46-163-103(63)199)94(148)283-296(229,309)254-41-146-28-241-77(120(268-146)196-51-168-100-66(196)108(208)182-126(158)178-100)91(146)280-291(224,304)246-32-137-19-232-69(111(259-137)186-10-4-56(150)170-128(186)210)83(137)272-285(218,298)245-31-136-18-231-68(82(136)203)110(258-136)190-14-8-60(201)174-132(190)214)141(263-116,23-236-73)36-249-286(219,299)273-84-70-112(187-11-5-57(151)171-129(187)211)260-138(84,20-233-70)33-247-293(226,306)279-90-76-119(195-50-167-99-65(195)107(207)181-125(157)177-99)267-145(90,27-240-76)40-253-294(227,307)281-92-78-121(197-52-169-101-67(197)109(209)183-127(159)179-101)266-144(92,26-239-78)39-252-290(223,303)277-88-74-117(193-17-54(2)105(205)185-135(193)217)264-142(88,24-237-74)37-250-295(228,308)282-93-79-122(198-47-164-62-96(154)160-45-162-102(62)198)269-147(93,29-242-79)42-256-288(221,301)275-86-72-114(189-13-7-59(153)173-131(189)213)262-140(86,22-235-72)35-257-297(230,310)284-95-81-115(191-15-9-61(202)175-133(191)215)271-149(95,44-244-81)55(3)200/h4,6-10,12-17,45-52,55,68-95,110-123,200,203H,5,11,18-44H2,1-3H3,(H,218,298)(H,219,299)(H,220,300)(H,221,301)(H,222,302)(H,223,303)(H,224,304)(H,225,305)(H,226,306)(H,227,307)(H,228,308)(H,229,309)(H,230,310)(H2,150,170,210)(H2,151,171,211)(H2,152,172,212)(H2,153,173,213)(H2,154,160,162)(H2,155,161,163)(H,174,201,214)(H,175,202,215)(H,184,204,216)(H,185,205,217)(H3,156,176,180,206)(H3,157,177,181,207)(H3,158,178,182,208)(H3,159,179,183,209)/t55-,68+,69+,70+,71+,72+,73+,74+,75+,76+,77+,78+,79+,80+,81+,82-,83-,84-,85-,86-,87-,88-,89-,90-,91-,92-,93-,94-,95-,110+,111+,112+,113+,114+,115+,116+,117+,118+,119+,120+,121+,122+,123+,136+,137+,138+,139+,140+,141+,142+,143+,144+,145+,146+,147+,148+,149+,285?,286?,287?,288?,289?,290?,291?,292?,293?,294?,295?,296?,297?/m0/s1


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No synonyms found for this compound


Known targets for this compound

No curated genes were found associated with this compound

Predicted pathogen targets for this compound

By orthology
No druggable targets predicted by orthology data
By sequence similarity to non orthologous known druggable targets
No druggable targets predicted by sequence similarity

Obtained from network model

Ranking Plot

Putative Targets List

Species Potential target Raw Global Species
Onchocerca volvulus 0.01 0.5224 0.5226
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Loa Loa (eye worm) variant SH3 domain-containing protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.2143
Echinococcus granulosus proto oncogene tyrosine protein kinase LCK 0.01 0.5224 1
Trichomonas vaginalis conserved hypothetical protein 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Probable multifunctional mycocerosic acid synthase membrane-associated Mas 0.0092 0.463 0.6242
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Phenolpthiocerol synthesis type-I polyketide synthase PpsA 0.0086 0.4229 0.5702
Schistosoma mansoni SH2A 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Plasmodium vivax tyrosine kinase-like protein, putative 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Onchocerca volvulus 0.0061 0.2357 0.1949
Echinococcus granulosus tyrosine protein kinase Srms 0.01 0.5224 1
Schistosoma mansoni tyrosine kinase 0.01 0.5224 1
Loa Loa (eye worm) hypothetical protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.2143
Entamoeba histolytica protein kinase, putative 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Echinococcus multilocularis guanine nucleotide exchange factor VAV2 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Echinococcus multilocularis tyrosine protein kinase Abl 0.01 0.5224 1
Echinococcus multilocularis growth factor receptor bound protein 2 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Echinococcus multilocularis proto oncogene tyrosine protein kinase LCK 0.01 0.5224 1
Entamoeba histolytica SH2-protein kinase domain containing protein 0.01 0.5224 1
Echinococcus granulosus expressed conserved protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Brugia malayi tRNA modification GTPase TrmE family protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.1825
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Probable polyketide synthase Pks1 0.0062 0.2414 0.3255
Loa Loa (eye worm) TK/FER protein kinase 0.01 0.5224 0.5745
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Echinococcus multilocularis tyrosine protein kinase lyn lyn a protein tyrosine kinase lymphocyte specific protein tyrosine kinase 0.01 0.5224 1
Brugia malayi Protein kinase domain containing protein 0.01 0.5224 0.4891
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Echinococcus granulosus tyrosine kinase 0.01 0.5224 1
Trypanosoma brucei AGC/RSK family serine/threonine kinase, putative 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Mycobacterium ulcerans polyketide synthase 0.0092 0.463 0.481
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Trichomonas vaginalis TK family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Loa Loa (eye worm) hypothetical protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.2143
Brugia malayi SH2 domain containing protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.1825
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Probable polyketide synthase Pks9 0.0049 0.1448 0.1953
Brugia malayi RhoGAP domain containing protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.1825
Loa Loa (eye worm) TK/FER protein kinase 0.01 0.5224 0.5745
Brugia malayi SH2 domain containing protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.1825
Echinococcus granulosus tensin C1 domain containing phosphatase 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Onchocerca volvulus 0.0081 0.3806 0.3605
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Echinococcus multilocularis tyrosine protein kinase Fyn 0.01 0.5224 1
Plasmodium falciparum protein kinase, putative 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Onchocerca volvulus 0.01 0.5224 0.5226
Echinococcus multilocularis suppressor of cytokine signaling 7 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Schistosoma mansoni suppressor of cytokine signaling 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Brugia malayi SH2 domain containing protein 0.01 0.5224 0.4891
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Mycobacterium ulcerans polyketide synthase Pks13 0.0129 0.7417 1
Loa Loa (eye worm) SH2 domain-containing protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.2143
Mycobacterium leprae Probable polyketide synthase Pks1 0.0092 0.463 0.481
Trichomonas vaginalis br serine/threonine-protein kinase, putative 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Brugia malayi SH2 domain containing protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.1825
Onchocerca volvulus 0.0061 0.2357 0.1949
Trichomonas vaginalis conserved hypothetical protein 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Schistosoma mansoni protein tyrosine phosphatase n11 (shp2) 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Schistosoma mansoni tyrosine-protein kinase zap-70 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Brugia malayi SH2 domain containing protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.1825
Entamoeba histolytica SH2 domain containing protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Brugia malayi Variant SH3 domain containing protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.1825
Plasmodium falciparum protein kinase, putative 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Schistosoma mansoni suppressor of cytokine signaling 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Onchocerca volvulus 0.0061 0.2357 0.1949
Echinococcus granulosus tyrosine protein kinase Src42A 0.01 0.5224 1
Loa Loa (eye worm) SRC-1 0.01 0.5224 0.5745
Brugia malayi cytokine inducible SH2-containing protein 5 0.0061 0.2357 0.1825
Echinococcus multilocularis tyrosine protein kinase Fyn 0.01 0.5224 1
Echinococcus granulosus tyrosine protein kinase shark 0.01 0.5224 1
Brugia malayi Protein kinase domain containing protein 0.01 0.5224 0.4891
Loa Loa (eye worm) TK/FER protein kinase 0.01 0.5224 0.5745
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Probable polyketide synthase Pks8 0.0071 0.3055 0.4119
Echinococcus granulosus tyrosine protein kinase ABL1 0.01 0.5224 1
Loa Loa (eye worm) hypothetical protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.2143
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Giardia lamblia Kinase, NEK 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Mycobacterium ulcerans Type I modular polyketide synthase 0.0086 0.4229 0.4065
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Echinococcus multilocularis SH2 domain containing protein 7 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Echinococcus multilocularis tyrosine protein kinase ABL1 0.01 0.5224 1
Loa Loa (eye worm) hypothetical protein 0.0048 0.1395 0.0935
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Schistosoma mansoni tyrosine kinase 0.01 0.5224 1
Onchocerca volvulus 0.01 0.5224 0.5226
Loa Loa (eye worm) acyl carrier protein 0.004 0.0748 0.0121
Loa Loa (eye worm) TK/FER protein kinase 0.01 0.5224 0.5745
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Schistosoma mansoni chimerin-related rho-gtpase-activating protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Trichomonas vaginalis ankyrin repeat-containing protein, putative 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Onchocerca volvulus 0.0061 0.2357 0.1949
Echinococcus granulosus tyrosine protein kinase Fyn 0.01 0.5224 1
Onchocerca volvulus 0.01 0.5224 0.5226
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Trichomonas vaginalis conserved hypothetical protein 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Loa Loa (eye worm) TK/FER protein kinase 0.01 0.5224 0.5745
Echinococcus multilocularis SHC transforming protein 3 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Toxoplasma gondii beta-ketoacyl synthase, N-terminal domain-containing protein 0.0056 0.1965 0.3303
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Echinococcus granulosus tyrosine kinase 0.01 0.5224 1
Echinococcus granulosus tyrosine protein kinase Fps85D 0.01 0.5224 1
Echinococcus granulosus SH2 domain containing adapter protein F 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Echinococcus multilocularis tyrosine protein kinase Fps85D 0.01 0.5224 1
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Schistosoma mansoni tensin-related 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Trichomonas vaginalis serine/threonine-protein kinase wnk, putative 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Brugia malayi Protein kinase domain containing protein 0.01 0.5224 0.4891
Plasmodium vivax protein kinase, putative 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Loa Loa (eye worm) hypothetical protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.2143
Schistosoma mansoni tensin 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Schistosoma mansoni shc transforming protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Trypanosoma brucei STE/STE11 serine/threonine-protein kinase, putative 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Schistosoma mansoni tyrosine kinase 0.01 0.5224 1
Loa Loa (eye worm) TK protein kinase 0.01 0.5224 0.5745
Brugia malayi STAT protein, DNA binding domain containing protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.1825
Mycobacterium ulcerans phenolpthiocerol synthesis type-I polyketide synthase PpsD 0.0086 0.4229 0.4065
Brugia malayi Protein-tyrosine phosphatase containing protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.1825
Schistosoma mansoni tensin 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Echinococcus multilocularis tyrosine protein phosphatase non receptor type 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Mycobacterium ulcerans polyketide synthase 0.0086 0.4229 0.4065
Mycobacterium ulcerans Type I modular polyketide synthase 0.0086 0.4229 0.4065
Echinococcus multilocularis NCK adaptor protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Leishmania major protein kinase, putative 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Echinococcus multilocularis N chimaerin 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Echinococcus multilocularis SH2 motif 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Echinococcus granulosus SHC transforming protein 3 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Probable membrane bound polyketide synthase Pks6 0.0129 0.7417 1
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Loa Loa (eye worm) TK/ABL protein kinase 0.01 0.5224 0.5745
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Echinococcus multilocularis SH2 motif 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Onchocerca volvulus 0.015 0.9002 0.9543
Echinococcus multilocularis tyrosine kinase 0.01 0.5224 1
Onchocerca volvulus 0.01 0.5224 0.5226
Echinococcus multilocularis tyrosine protein kinase Fgr 0.01 0.5224 1
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Polyketide synthase Pks13 0.0129 0.7417 1
Loa Loa (eye worm) hypothetical protein 0.0145 0.8611 1
Schistosoma mansoni tyrosine kinase 0.01 0.5224 1
Echinococcus multilocularis tensin 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Schistosoma mansoni vav2 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Trypanosoma cruzi STE/STE11 serine/threonine-protein kinase, putative 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Loa Loa (eye worm) TK/FER protein kinase 0.01 0.5224 0.5745
Giardia lamblia Protein 21.1 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Schistosoma mansoni chimerin-related rho-gtpase-activating protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Mycobacterium ulcerans multifunctional mycocerosic acid synthase membrane-associated Mas 0.0092 0.463 0.481
Loa Loa (eye worm) TK/FER protein kinase 0.01 0.5224 0.5745
Mycobacterium ulcerans thioesterase TesA 0.0072 0.3155 0.2064
Plasmodium falciparum tyrosine kinase-like protein 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Schistosoma mansoni tensin-related 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Brugia malayi SH2 domain containing protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.1825
Brugia malayi protein-tyrosine kinase 0.01 0.5224 0.4891
Echinococcus granulosus suppressor of cytokine signaling 6 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Mycobacterium leprae Probable multifunctional mycocerosic acid synthase membrane associated enzyme Mas 0.0092 0.463 0.481
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Onchocerca volvulus Suppressor of cytokine signaling 7 homolog 0.0061 0.2357 0.1949
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Brugia malayi Variant SH3 domain containing protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.1825
Loa Loa (eye worm) hypothetical protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.2143
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Echinococcus granulosus tyrosine protein kinase Fyn 0.01 0.5224 1
Loa Loa (eye worm) cytokine inducible SH2-containing protein 5 0.0061 0.2357 0.2143
Echinococcus multilocularis tyrosine protein phosphatase non receptor type 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Trichomonas vaginalis AGC family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Brugia malayi Sex muscle abnormal protein 5 0.0061 0.2357 0.1825
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Phenolpthiocerol synthesis type-I polyketide synthase PpsC 0.0086 0.4229 0.5702
Brugia malayi SH2 domain containing protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.1825
Echinococcus granulosus phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase regulatory subunit 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Schistosoma mansoni signal transduction protein lnk-related 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Schistosoma mansoni hypothetical protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Echinococcus multilocularis SH2 motif 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Loa Loa (eye worm) hypothetical protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.2143
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Loa Loa (eye worm) hypothetical protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.2143
Loa Loa (eye worm) hypothetical protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.2143
Loa Loa (eye worm) hypothetical protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.2143
Brugia malayi hypothetical protein 0.01 0.5224 0.4891
Echinococcus granulosus tyrosine protein kinase Btk29A 0.01 0.5224 1
Brugia malayi Protein kinase domain containing protein 0.01 0.5224 0.4891
Echinococcus multilocularis c src tyrosine kinase 0.01 0.5224 1
Echinococcus granulosus tyrosine protein kinase Fyn 0.01 0.5224 1
Schistosoma mansoni nck2/grb4 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Leishmania major hypothetical protein, conserved 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Schistosoma mansoni tyrosine kinase 0.01 0.5224 1
Brugia malayi AMP-binding enzyme family protein 0.0081 0.3806 0.3374
Trichomonas vaginalis CAMK family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Onchocerca volvulus Fatty acid synthase homolog 0.0156 0.9402 1
Echinococcus multilocularis tyrosine protein kinase Fyn 0.01 0.5224 1
Echinococcus multilocularis phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase regulatory subunit 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Schistosoma mansoni hypothetical protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Plasmodium falciparum protein kinase, putative 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Loa Loa (eye worm) sex muscle abnormal protein 5 0.0061 0.2357 0.2143
Loa Loa (eye worm) hypothetical protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.2143
Loa Loa (eye worm) protein-tyrosine phosphatase 0.0061 0.2357 0.2143
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Trichomonas vaginalis serine-threonine protein kinase, putative 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Loa Loa (eye worm) TK/FER protein kinase 0.01 0.5224 0.5745
Echinococcus granulosus guanine nucleotide exchange factor VAV2 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Echinococcus granulosus c src tyrosine kinase 0.01 0.5224 1
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Schistosoma mansoni GTPase activating protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Loa Loa (eye worm) RhoGAP domain-containing protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.2143
Echinococcus granulosus signal transduction protein lnk realted 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Echinococcus multilocularis tyrosine protein kinase Src42A 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Onchocerca volvulus 0.0061 0.2357 0.1949
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Schistosoma mansoni growth factor receptor-bound protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Echinococcus granulosus SH2 motif 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Echinococcus granulosus tyrosine protein kinase Blk 0.01 0.5224 1
Loa Loa (eye worm) hypothetical protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.2143
Mycobacterium ulcerans phenolpthiocerol synthesis type-I polyketide synthase PpsB 0.007 0.297 0.172
Echinococcus granulosus N chimaerin 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Trichomonas vaginalis conserved hypothetical protein 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Giardia lamblia Kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Leishmania major protein kinase, putative 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Echinococcus multilocularis suppressor of cytokine signaling 6 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Probable thioesterase TesA 0.0072 0.3155 0.4254
Plasmodium vivax tyrosine kinase-like protein, putative 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Mycobacterium leprae PROBABLE THIOESTERASE TESA 0.0072 0.3155 0.2064
Onchocerca volvulus 0.01 0.5224 0.5226
Mycobacterium leprae Polyketide synthase Pks13 0.0129 0.7417 1
Echinococcus multilocularis tyrosine protein kinase lyn tyrosine protein kinase blk 0.01 0.5224 1
Echinococcus multilocularis tyrosine protein kinase Src64B 0.01 0.5224 1
Brugia malayi Beta-ketoacyl synthase, N-terminal domain containing protein 0.0086 0.4229 0.3827
Mycobacterium ulcerans phenolpthiocerol synthesis type-I polyketide synthase PpsC 0.0092 0.463 0.481
Trichomonas vaginalis conserved hypothetical protein 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Onchocerca volvulus 0.0061 0.2357 0.1949
Echinococcus granulosus 3'partial|tyrosine protein kinase Fgr 0.01 0.5224 1
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Echinococcus granulosus tyrosine protein phosphatase non receptor type 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Echinococcus granulosus tyrosine protein kinase Src42A 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Schistosoma mansoni proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase abl1 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Echinococcus multilocularis tyrosine protein kinase Srms 0.01 0.5224 1
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Loa Loa (eye worm) AMP-binding enzyme family protein 0.0081 0.3806 0.3963
Trypanosoma brucei protein kinase, putative 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Trichomonas vaginalis conserved hypothetical protein 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Loa Loa (eye worm) hypothetical protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.2143
Echinococcus multilocularis tensin 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Trichomonas vaginalis protein kinase atn1, putative 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Echinococcus multilocularis SH2 domain containing adapter protein F 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Toxoplasma gondii type I fatty acid synthase, putative 0.0062 0.2372 0.4325
Echinococcus granulosus NCK adaptor protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Mycobacterium ulcerans phenolpthiocerol synthesis type-I polyketide synthase PpsA 0.007 0.297 0.172
Echinococcus multilocularis tyrosine protein kinase Btk29A 0.01 0.5224 1
Loa Loa (eye worm) variant SH3 domain-containing protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.2143
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Probable polyketide synthase Pks7 0.0092 0.463 0.6242
Brugia malayi Variant SH3 domain containing protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.1825
Schistosoma mansoni tyrosine kinase 0.01 0.5224 1
Echinococcus multilocularis tyrosine protein kinase shark 0.01 0.5224 1
Schistosoma mansoni tensin 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Echinococcus multilocularis tyrosine protein kinase Src42A 0.01 0.5224 1
Toxoplasma gondii type I fatty acid synthase, putative 0.0092 0.463 1
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Polyketide synthase Pks2 0.0084 0.4032 0.5436
Mycobacterium ulcerans thioesterase 0.0072 0.3155 0.2064
Echinococcus granulosus tyrosine protein phosphatase non receptor type 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Onchocerca volvulus Suppressor of cytokine signaling at 36E homolog 0.0061 0.2357 0.1949
Schistosoma mansoni adapter molecule crk 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Loa Loa (eye worm) hypothetical protein 0.01 0.5224 0.5745
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Echinococcus granulosus tyrosine kinase|tyrosine protein kinase Fyn 0.01 0.5224 1
Loa Loa (eye worm) TK/FER protein kinase 0.01 0.5224 0.5745
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Brugia malayi SH2 domain containing protein 0.01 0.5224 0.4891
Trichomonas vaginalis protein tyrosine kinase, putative 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Echinococcus granulosus tensin 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Brugia malayi SRC-1 0.01 0.5224 0.4891
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Probable polyketide synthase Pks5 0.0084 0.4032 0.5436
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Echinococcus granulosus hypothetical protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Echinococcus granulosus tyrosine protein kinase Src64B 0.01 0.5224 1
Loa Loa (eye worm) TK/FER protein kinase 0.01 0.5224 0.5745
Loa Loa (eye worm) STAT protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.2143
Entamoeba histolytica SH2-protein kinase domain containing protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Schistosoma mansoni proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase src 0.01 0.5224 1
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Loa Loa (eye worm) hypothetical protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.2143
Loa Loa (eye worm) fatty acid synthase 0.0085 0.4143 0.4387
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Brugia malayi Protein kinase domain containing protein 0.01 0.5224 0.4891
Echinococcus granulosus SH2 domain containing protein 7 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Echinococcus granulosus SH2 motif 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Echinococcus multilocularis 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Echinococcus multilocularis tyrosine protein kinase Fyn 0.01 0.5224 1
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Polyketide synthase Pks12 0.0092 0.463 0.6242
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Mycobacterium ulcerans Type I modular polyketide synthase 0.0086 0.4229 0.4065
Brugia malayi hypothetical protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.1825
Toxoplasma gondii AMP-binding enzyme domain-containing protein 0.0044 0.1042 0.0981
Schistosoma mansoni growth factor receptor-bound protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Loa Loa (eye worm) hypothetical protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.2143
Giardia lamblia Kinase, NEK 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Phenolpthiocerol synthesis type-I polyketide synthase PpsD 0.0086 0.4229 0.5702
Brugia malayi Variant SH3 domain containing protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.1825
Trypanosoma brucei Flagellum attachment zone protein 20 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Phenyloxazoline synthase MbtB (phenyloxazoline synthetase) 0.0081 0.3806 0.5131
Trypanosoma cruzi STE/STE11 serine/threonine-protein kinase, putative 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Echinococcus multilocularis suppressor of cytokine signaling 7 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Echinococcus granulosus tyrosine protein kinase Lyn 0.01 0.5224 1
Plasmodium falciparum tyrosine kinase-like protein 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Trichomonas vaginalis conserved hypothetical protein 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Probable polyketide synthase Pks15 0.0035 0.0391 0.0527
Loa Loa (eye worm) hypothetical protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.2143
Echinococcus granulosus growth factor receptor bound protein 2 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Echinococcus multilocularis signal transduction protein lnk realted 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Echinococcus multilocularis tyrosine protein kinase Blk 0.01 0.5224 1
Trichomonas vaginalis TKL family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Echinococcus granulosus suppressor of cytokine signaling 7 0.0061 0.2357 0.373
Trypanosoma cruzi protein kinase, putative 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Brugia malayi Tyrosine-protein kinase abl-1 0.01 0.5224 0.4891
Loa Loa (eye worm) SH2 domain-containing protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.2143
Brugia malayi SH2 domain containing protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.1825
Brugia malayi Tensin 0.0061 0.2357 0.1825
Trypanosoma cruzi protein kinase, putative 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Trypanosoma brucei Pseudokinase, putative 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Trichomonas vaginalis STE family protein kinase 0.0038 0.0651 0.5
Loa Loa (eye worm) SH2 domain-containing protein 0.0061 0.2357 0.2143


Activity type Activity value Assay description Source Reference
ED50 (functional) = 6 mg kg-1 Reduction in PTEN mRNA expression in ip dosed BALB/c mouse liver administered twice weekly for 3 weeks measured after 72 hrs post last dose ChEMBL. 21058707


Whole-cell/tissue/organism interactions

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Many chemical entities in TDR Targets come from high-throughput screenings with whole cells or tissue samples, and not all assayed compounds have been tested against a single a single target protein, probably because they get ruled out during screening process. Even if these compounds may have not been of interest in the original screening, they may come as interesting leads for other screening assays. Furthermore, we may be able to propose drug-target associations using chemical similarities and network patterns.

Annotated phenotypes:

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In TDR Targets, information about phenotypes that are caused by drugs, or by genetic manipulation of cells (e.g. gene knockouts or knockdowns) is manually curated from the literature. These descriptions help to describe the potential of the target for drug development. If no information is available for this gene or if the information is incomplete, this may mean that i) the papers containing this information either appeared after the curation effort for this organism was carried out or they were inadvertently missed by curators; or that ii) the curation effort for this organism has not yet started.
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