Target list

Search results for query: Bma druggable precedence by similarity to starlite targets

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Compounds have been manually associated with targets based on literature curation (Curated), and transitively associated with known druggable homologs or direct orthologs (predicted). Network derived target prioritizations also allows to convert any gene list into a drug list by making use of gene-drug indirect relationships within the repurposing network. All associations are done with true positives (known druggable targets), but predicted interactions are by no means tested or experimentally validated.


790 records found | Showing page 17 of 32 (records 401-425) | Number of records to display | Find orthologs in

  Organism   Name     Ortholog group   Product
B. malayi   Bm1_19275   OG5_178960   Protein kinase domain containing protein
B. malayi   Bm1_34345   OG5_179031   CBS domain containing protein
B. malayi   Bm1_12515   OG5_126738   Immunoglobulin I-set domain containing protein
B. malayi   Bm1_25190   OG5_127874   pold2-prov protein
B. malayi   Bm1_16060   OG5_126999   carbohydrate phosphorylase
B. malayi   Bm1_17415   OG5_169462   Trypsin family protein
B. malayi   Bm1_35115   OG5_192506   Trehalase family protein
B. malayi   Bm1_31305   OG5_133283   vesicular acetylcholine transporter unc-17
B. malayi   Bm1_44290   OG5_126582   Cytochrome P450 family protein
B. malayi   Bm1_44555   OG5_131741   Protein kinase domain containing protein
B. malayi   Bm1_44050   OG5_153652   Guanylyl cyclase protein 23
B. malayi   Bm1_48220   OG5_130513   Protein kinase domain containing protein
B. malayi   Bm1_52850   OG5_127555   mannose-6-phosphate isomerase, class I family protein
B. malayi   Bm1_25900   OG5_127422   hypothetical protein
B. malayi   Bm1_08135   OG5_132836   cell division protein kinase 10
B. malayi   Bm1_32290   OG5_127260   Type I phosphodiesterase / nucleotide pyrophosphatase family protein
B. malayi   Bm1_44770   OG5_144126   Twik (KCNK-like) family of potassium channels, alpha subunit 7
B. malayi   Bm1_27290   OG5_128099   RAS-like GTP-binding protein RhoA
B. malayi   Bm1_39445   OG5_129336   RAP1B, member of RAS oncogene family
B. malayi   Bm1_24820   OG5_192308   Histidine acid phosphatase family protein
B. malayi   Bm1_27380     No group cell division control protein 2 homolog
B. malayi   Bm1_51685   OG5_127094   Aldehyde dehydrogenase protein 4
B. malayi   Bm1_35890   OG5_140091   nicotinic acetylcholine receptor beta-1 chain precursor
B. malayi   Bm1_24805   OG5_127761   proteasome subunit beta type 3
B. malayi   Bm1_32410   OG5_129448   4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase family protein